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Only Young people sail up and break the wind -- the 2024 graduation ceremony of Century Only Kindergarten came to a successful end


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Today, the sun is right, full of warmth。Century Only Kindergarten ushered in the grand moment of the 2024 big class graduation ceremony。We sincerely invite parents to join us and witness the first important milestone of their children's life journey - from the first day into this small world full of laughter and exploration, to thrive into brave and confident teenagers, let's applaud their growth!

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One hundred years of life, in a young school。The principal father delivered an affectionate speech, expressing his heartfelt thanks to the hard working teachers and the parents who supported them silently, and placing high expectations on the children。Then, Fei Zhaohan father as a parent representative, the speech was equally wonderful, revealing the deep gratitude to the kindergarten and teachers between the lines, but also for the children sent the most sincere wishes。At this moment, the vision of the home is becoming clearer, and our common goal is to grow up the children。

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Looking back on the past, the time of three years is like a warm movie, slowly showing in everyone's mind。Still remember the first day into the garden, those small hands tightly holding the parents do not let go of the little, now can confidently stand on the stage, with a young but firm voice singing graduation songs, dancing happy dance。

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Every child is a shining little star - beautiful in its own way, which is also the educational philosophy we always uphold in the process of education。The children used a wonderful performance to show their growth in the kindergarten。Every smile, every clap, is the best interpretation of this wonderful time。

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Teachers are full of heart is not give up, parents are also moved full, tears in the eyes, inadvertently burst into tears。

The presentation of the diploma is the most solemn moment of the ceremony。When each child's name was shouted out by the classmates and teachers, when they received the heavy certificate from the head of the kindergarten, we witnessed the growth and transformation of the children。Goodbye, kindergarten;Hello, pupils!

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Here, we would like to pay our highest respect to every hardworking teacher, who has woven a colorful childhood dream for children with love and patience。At the same time, I also want to thank the parents for their support and trust. It is the home that allows the seeds of love to take root in the hearts of children。Love makes growth more wonderful!

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Graduation is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey。Dear children, may you carry on with the kindness, courage and wisdom you learned in kindergarten。In the future study and life, may you bloom more dazzling light and become the pillars of society!

Finally, let's send our best wishes to these lovely young students。Wish you a better tomorrow!We don't say goodbye, because we always accompany each other on the way to growth。

Wish only young man set sail and sail to break thousands of miles!
